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Fork Yearn UI: create a customized stablecoins-only vaults website

This is a step-by-step guide on how to fork and customize which is a yearn UI made to be forked using the open-source repository. Deploying your own UI makes you eligible to receive partner profit-sharing fees.

In this example we will create a fork dedicated only to stablecoin vaults, it will be called "Cozy Stables Finance" and it will help users filter vaults by some stablecoins types (fiat backed, crypto backed, centralized emission, decentralized emission)

Install required software

To follow all steps you need to install the following dependencies:

  1. git
  2. node.js
  3. Open a terminal window and set up Yarn (used to install dependencies)
    • open terminal Windows: Windows + R -> type cmd -> Enter
    • open terminal Mac: CMD + Space -> type Terminal -> Enter
    • set up yearn: npm install --global yarn

Clone Macarena Finance

  1. Fork Macarena Finance
  2. Open a terminal and clone your fork
    • git clone
    • cd macarena-finance to enter project folder after cloning
  3. Install dependencies
    • yarn install
  4. Run developer environment
    • yarn run dev

Apply to receive partner fees

  1. At next.config.js change PARTNER_ID_ADDRESS to the address that should receive the partner fees
  1. Fill up this form to request Yearn to enable the configured ID to receive partner fees

Change Vaults Filter

Add more vaults (that aren't in the default macarena code) and also create new filter categories:

  • Open contexts/useYearn.tsx and edit endorsedVaults to contain the vaults you want.

To add new vaults head to and copy the address in the Etherscan link to add it to our list. Here is what it looks like after adding all addresses for stablecoin vaults:

// contexts/useYearn.tsx line 67

const endorsedVaults: {[key: number]: string[]} = {
        1: [ // chain id, "1" is Ethereum
                toAddress('0xdA816459F1AB5631232FE5e97a05BBBb94970c95'), //yvDAI
                toAddress('0xa354F35829Ae975e850e23e9615b11Da1B3dC4DE'), //yvUSDC
                toAddress('0x7Da96a3891Add058AdA2E826306D812C638D87a7'), //yvUSDT
                toAddress('0xFD0877d9095789cAF24c98F7CCe092fa8E120775'), //yvTUSD
                toAddress('0x378cb52b00F9D0921cb46dFc099CFf73b42419dC'), //yvLUSD
        250 : [ // chain id, "250" is Fantom
                toAddress('0xEF0210eB96c7EB36AF8ed1c20306462764935607'), // yvUSDC
                toAddress('0x637eC617c86D24E421328e6CAEa1d92114892439'), // yvDAI
                toAddress('0x148c05caf1Bb09B5670f00D511718f733C54bC4c'), // yvUSDT
                toAddress('0x0A0b23D9786963DE69CB2447dC125c49929419d8'), // yvMIM

Change vault labels at contexts/useYearn.tsx to create the following new categories:

  • All -> all stablecoin vaults (default homepage selection)
  • Crypto Backed -> stablecoins collateralized by crypto assets
  • Fiat Backed -> stablecoins collateralized by fiat assets
  • Decentralized -> stablecoins with decentralized emission and redeeming
  • Centralized -> stablecoins with centralized emission and redeeming
// contexts/useYearn.tsx line 17

defaultCategories: ['All', 'Crypto Backed', 'Fiat Backed', 'Decentralized', 'Centralized']

// contexts/useYearn.tsx line 165

vault.categories = ['All'];
vault.chainID = chainID;
if (chainID === 1 || chainID === 1337) {
  if (toAddress(vault.address) === toAddress('0xdA816459F1AB5631232FE5e97a05BBBb94970c95')) //DAI
    vault.categories = ['All', 'Decentralized', 'Crypto Backed', 'Fiat Backed'];
  if (toAddress(vault.address) === toAddress('0xa354F35829Ae975e850e23e9615b11Da1B3dC4DE')) //usdc
    vault.categories = ['All', 'Centralized', 'Fiat Backed'];
  if (toAddress(vault.address) === toAddress('0x7Da96a3891Add058AdA2E826306D812C638D87a7')) //usdt
    vault.categories = ['All', 'Centralized', 'Fiat Backed'];
  if (toAddress(vault.address) === toAddress('0xFD0877d9095789cAF24c98F7CCe092fa8E120775')) //yvTUSD
    vault.categories = ['All', 'Centralized', 'Fiat Backed'];
  if (toAddress(vault.address) === toAddress('0x378cb52b00F9D0921cb46dFc099CFf73b42419dC')) //yvLUSD
    vault.categories = ['All', 'Decentralized', 'Crypto Backed'];
} else if (chainID === 250) {
  if (toAddress(vault.address) === toAddress('0xEF0210eB96c7EB36AF8ed1c20306462764935607')) //yvUSDC
    vault.categories = ['All', 'Centralized', 'Fiat Backed'];
  if (toAddress(vault.address) === toAddress('0x637eC617c86D24E421328e6CAEa1d92114892439')) //yvDAI
    vault.categories = ['All', 'Decentralized', 'Crypto Backed', 'Fiat Backed'];
  if (toAddress(vault.address) === toAddress('0x148c05caf1Bb09B5670f00D511718f733C54bC4c')) //yvUSDT
    vault.categories = ['All', 'Centralized', 'Fiat Backed'];
  if (toAddress(vault.address) === toAddress('0x0A0b23D9786963DE69CB2447dC125c49929419d8')) //yvMIM
    vault.categories = ['All', 'Decentralized', 'Crypto Backed'];

Here is what the new customized filtering should look like after applying all the above changes:

Replace the logo image with either another image or a simple text:

// pagex/app.tsx line 71

<h1>Cozy Stables Finance</h1>

Changing the above line will make the page header look like this now:

Change Colors

The default color theme uses HSL, this allows for quicker customization of the entire theme with fewer variables, a quick primer on HSL:

HSL stands for Hue, Saturation, Lightness and is represented on tailwind like this:

--variable: 200 100% 50%;

which will be compiled to:

--variable: hsl(200, 100%, 50%);

Check this cheatsheet for a quick refresher on manipulating colors in HSL format.

To change the color scheme, go to style.css at line 9 and change to something like:

/* style.css line 9 */

--theme-primary-color: 180; /* teal */
--theme-secondary-color: 120; /* green */
--theme-text-color: 45; /* yellow */

--default-rounded: 2px;
--color-neutral-0: var(--theme-primary-color) 37% 17%;
--color-neutral-100: var(--theme-primary-color) 36% 27%;
--color-neutral-200: var(--theme-primary-color) 36% 34%;
--color-neutral-300: var(--theme-primary-color) 36% 40%;
--color-neutral-400: var(--theme-primary-color) 37% 17%;
--color-neutral-500: var(--theme-text-color) 100% 30%;
--color-neutral-700: var(--theme-text-color) 100% 50%;

--color-primary-100: var(--theme-primary-color) 36% 34%;
--color-primary-200: var(--theme-primary-color) 36% 32%;

--color-primary-500: var(--theme-secondary-color) 100% 50%;
--color-primary-600: var(--theme-secondary-color) 100% 47%;
--color-accent-500: var(--theme-secondary-color) 100% 50%;
--color-accent-600: var(--theme-secondary-color) 100% 47%;

and the page should now look like this:

Change SEO settings

  • Change SEO settings at next.config.js line 29:
WEBSITE_NAME: 'Cozy Stables Finance',
WEBSITE_TITLE: 'Cozy Stables Finance',
WEBSITE_DESCRIPTION: 'Cozy Stables Finance, a place for everyone to sit comfy on their stables',
  • and at public/manifest.json:
        "name": "Cozy Stables Finance",
        "description": "Cozy Stables Finance, a place for everyone to sit comfy on their stables",
        "iconPath": "/favicons/favicon.svg"
  • Change social media links at /pages/_app.tsx lines 217-L243

  • Change favico image at public/favicons/